My guess is a max at most and then they will sell out and people procrastinating will miss out again. Apparently the reason for the shortage was the initial launch was more of a field test, to see how well the players would take to these new security dongle(ess) key chain locks.
It may be only a matter of time before other companies like NCsoft take the same route and produce additional matters of security for their player’s accounts.
In all honesty, if you really want a secure account, just follow a few simple rules:
1) Don’t give out your account to anyone, not even your mother, and definitely not your girlfriend.
2) Have an up to date anti-virus installed on your computer, and if you can’t afford one, go get avg free version ( http://free.avg.com )
3) Stop surfing warez, porn, and illegal sites.
4) Don’t buy an account. Too many times you see someone buy an account and then complain about it being stolen back. Account selling and buying is illegal along with account sharing.
If you were to follow those simple steps you could easily keep unwanted people away from your WoW toon.
But if all of that still does not wash away your fears, then wait a few more weeks until Blizzard restocks it’s Authenticators.